vector maintenance (旧版,已废弃)
syslog remote config
# remote syslog
type = "syslog"
address = ""
mode = "udp"
# Parse Syslog logs
# See the Vector Remap Language reference for more info:
type = "remap"
inputs = ["remote_udp_syslog"]
source = '''
. = parse_syslog!(string!(.message))
# Print parsed logs to stdout
type = "console"
inputs = ["parse_logs"]
encoding.codec = "json"
# Vector's GraphQL API (disabled by default)
# Uncomment to try it out with the `vector top` command or
# in your browser at http://localhost:8686
#enabled = true
#address = ""
type = "remap"
inputs = [ "*" ]
source = '''
.dt = del(.timestamp)
type = "http"
method = "post"
inputs = [ "better_stack_transform_1" ]
uri = ""
encoding.codec = "json"
auth.strategy = "bearer"
auth.token = ""
service vector restart
config (demo)
# Change this to use a non-default directory for Vector data storage:
# data_dir = "/var/lib/vector"
# 接收JSON日志,绑定到9000端口
type = "socket"
address = ""
max_length = 102_400
mode = "tcp"
decoding.codec = "json"
# output to ELK
type = "elasticsearch"
inputs = [ "app_logs" ]
endpoint = "https://localhost:9200/"
auth.user = "elastic"
auth.password = "elastic"
auth.strategy = "basic"
# CA 证书文件
tls.ca_file = "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/http_ca.crt"
mode = "bulk"
bulk.action = "index"
# 索引名称
bulk.index = "app-dev-%Y-%m-%d"
batch.max_events = 10
compression = "none"
# 这个非常重要 默认值为false 会发送失败。
suppress_type_name = true
bin/vector -C config/ --require-healthy=true -v
-C :配置文件目录 --require-healthy=true : 节点必须是健康的才能启动 -v: debug模式